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<Nehal>grumbel: does pingus work under win32?
<grumbel>it should, but havn't tested it myself
<Nehal>maybe ill try it
<Zombie>Did any if you listen to me?
<Nehal>i just came in
<Zombie>Are you Pingus Developers?
<Nehal>me? nope
<Nehal>grumbel is
<Zombie>whjat about Him?
<Nehal>grumbel is, he probably is afk right now
<Zombie>'I have some ideas to make your project more successful.
<Zombie>I'm a student in college
<Zombie>and I have some ideas I'd like to shhare with you.
<grumbel>then go on and share :)
<Zombie>I think you need to work on your semantics with Pingus.
<Zombie>Pingus is an excellent idea
<Zombie>it just needs some concept level work
<grumbel>its the overall game design that is pretty ugly or not existant at all
<Zombie>I know.
<grumbel>Pingus is currentyl good at starting a level from command line, the in game GUI is pretty much useless at the current point
<Zombie>I also think its somewhat TOO Difficult.
<Nehal>the game is too difficult? no i didnt find it so
<grumbel>"the game" doesn't exist at all
<Nehal>maybe some of the tutorial levels can be a little easier, but other than that its ok
<grumbel>its an engine + a bunch of levels (some playable some not)
<grumbel>Zombie: are you using latest CVS?
<Zombie>No, I'm using whats in Mandrake's Cooker
<grumbel>remove that and use CVS
<Zombie>Well, can we talk a little about concept level semantics?
<grumbel>after you tried CVS
<grumbel>it might already contain a few things you miss.
<Zombie>where can I download the latest CVS?
<grumbel>export CVSROOT=''
<grumbel> cvs logi
<grumbel>cvs -z3 checkout Games/Pingus
<Nehal>grumbel: what compiler did u use when u last tested on win32, and when was this?
<grumbel>Nehal: MSVC6
<grumbel>Nehal: clanlib will give you throuble with other compilers, might work with borland one's, but MSVC is the main one
<Nehal>ill modify clanlib to work with mingw
<Nehal>but one thing i hate about mingw, it is hella slow, much slower than gcc for unix, and takes a lot of memory
<grumbel>Zombie: have you downloaded CVS?
<grumbel>Zombie: more infos at
<Nehal>libmikmod compiled and installed, now clanlib
<Nehal>or does hermes come first, i keep forgetting?
<grumbel>hermes first
<Nehal>crap, i need autogen
<Nehal>grumbel: can u send me configure for hermes?
<grumbel>contains the auto* stuff
<grumbel>Zombie: you there?
<Zombie>Can I give some reccommendatioms?
<Nehal>Zombie: dont ask, just say :)
<Zombie>Extract Data from the original Lemmings a Freecraft did from Warcraft II
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<grumbel>Zombie: Pingus data looks much better than lemmings, so its pretty pointless
<Zombie>Not it would not bee,
<grumbel>beside that Pingus is not even close to being gameplay compatible with lemmings
<grumbel>Zombie: done the CVS checkout?
<grumbel>Zombie: if so, read, contains now some infos on how to get a binary
<Zombie>I'm d/ling something else right now
<Nehal>hermes installed, 2 down 1 to go
<Zombie>but I'm more intrested in the semantics of the program as opposed to
<Zombie>the details as to what you have made thusfar
<grumbel>what do you mean by semantics in this case?
<Zombie>You've proven to me you have the technical know-how to build this thing
<Zombie>What you don't know is how to appropriately document, and nogstolgically
<Zombie>advertise your project
<grumbel>I have decided that I currently have nothing to advertise, that why its currently doesn't have much spotlight on it.
<Zombie>Thats part of semantics.
<grumbel>it already got enough of that way back, it didn't help much
<Zombie>Your idea has some very good merit.
<Zombie>and I know what its like to have a project that you really want to do (Mega Man: Black Project) fail on me for technical reasons
<Zombie>but you have overcome the technical barrier
<grumbel>pingus actually never was a project 'that I really want to do', it was more an accident.
<grumbel>was more ment to be a short time project to learn a bit programming, well turned out to take a bit longer than expected and got a bit more attention than expected
<Nehal>dangit, configure for clanlib doesn't detect hemres
<grumbel>Nehal: config.log is your friend... well, at least sometimes
<Nehal>i just usually edit configure and erase and 'exit' :)
<Zombie>Can I give you my experiance in this?
<Zombie>I wanted to make a massive (At the time MS-DOS) game called Mega Man the Rise of the House of Hyperion.
<Zombie>I made a web page on this project
<Zombie>I story boarded the wwhole thing
<Zombie>I got voice actors
<Zombie>I spent months Extracting sprites from Mega Man 1-6
<Zombie>I built a main data file from a Doom WAD
<Zombie>But because I knew nothing about coding my project failed
<Zombie>got that?
<Zombie>For you I think the reverse is true.
<Zombie>Therefore you experiance "scope creep:
<Nehal>hmm, so far i had to make a modification, and im getting a lot of warnings, but clanlib seems to be compiling fine
<grumbel>Nehal: do you compile clanlib for X11 or DirectX?
<Nehal>grumbel: well WIN32 or __WIN32__ or whatever is automatically defined, so it is compiling with directx, or i would certainly get an error by now :-)
<Nehal>actually i know it is, cos it couldnt find d3d.h , i had to comment that line out, i have directx.h and dinput.h and all the others, i guess d3d.h isn't needed anyways
<Nehal>more than 100 megs swap in use :(
-->gervase ( has joined #pingus
<grumbel>hi gervase
<grumbel>Zombie: so what do you think I should do different?
<Zombie>hold on
<Nehal>oh crap, clanlib does not go well with mingw
<gervase>:Just managed to compile the latest cvs about 10 minutes ago
<gervase>and I keep on getting lots of "frame below zero: nan" or
<gervase>"frame below zero: inf"
<gervase>Could this be due to a bad delta being passed into Sprite::update() ?
<grumbel>gervase: is the frame-skip stuff
<grumbel>gervase: which should probally be completly rewriten
<grumbel>pingus doesn't behave very well on slow systems
<grumbel>and even on fast systems with a little CPU load it gets quite choopy
<Nehal>there are completely different source directories for win32/unix , it is not easy getting clanlib to work...
-->abcdefghi ( has joined #pingus
<abcdefghi>hi when dose the mettin start?
<grumbel>kind of
<abcdefghi>well i was think about how we could make pingus better and i thought that mabey we could incorperate the old dos games in to pingus like in freecraft
<Zombie>lunch is good :)
<grumbel>abcdefghi: no, that would make things much worse.
<grumbel>or is it just me who can't stand freecraft gfx for more than five seconds?
<Zombie>Good, everyone is here
<grumbel>beside that there is copyright throuble and resolution throuble 320x200, doesn't look that good on a 800x600 screen
<Nehal>grumbel: most freecraft uses use the wc2 graphics, and yes the fcmp graphics suck, they are improving though
<abcdefghi>true well that shows hom much i think things through
<grumbel>Nehal: yeah, but thats kind of the problem, cause nearly everybody can use wc2, the free ones are lagging behind
<Nehal>grumbel: right
<grumbel>and I think redoing something that is already done, is not worth doing at all, especially games.
<abcdefghi>is there a banner for pingus that people can put around there sites?
<abcdefghi>yes i guess
<grumbel>we have banners somewhere, but not available on the webpage at the moment.
<abcdefghi>well we could get them on the website and then people like my dad can put them on their sites
<abcdefghi>how far are we to the next relese of pingus?
<grumbel>as close as ever I think, its just a matter of sitting down for two weeks and get it finished
<abcdefghi>well that is good how much of the gui is hooked out to the servers options?
<grumbel>the gui is more or less working, its just a matter of striping out the stuff that is not working
<grumbel>like option menu and contrib-screens
<abcdefghi>how many of the levels are hooked out to the gui?
<abcdefghi>what can people like me do to hook up more levels to the gui?
<grumbel>nothing, the next release will not have more than 15-20 levels
<abcdefghi>i why that few?
<grumbel>because we want to start out small
<abcdefghi>that makes sense
<abcdefghi>will you beable to download the other levels if you want to?
<grumbel>well, people can always use CVS to get everything, but there won't be any public visible download button
<Nehal>grumbel: ever played lemmings 2?
<abcdefghi>no i can't find it.
<grumbel>Nehal: a bit, but not that much
<abcdefghi>only my win part of this box has a connection to the internet right now but i will hook up linux to the internet soon.
<grumbel>gervase: have seen the test apps in contrib/ ?
<gervase>Found it. It basically just puts a "sprite" on the screen and goes through each of the frames, if I read the code correctly.
<grumbel>gervase: thats the not so usefull one, the soundtest/ thing is more intersting
<grumbel>gervase: can be used to test pingus, not so bug free, sound system
<abcdefghi>what parts of pingus are working that weren't working in the last verision?
<grumbel>can't remember, lots of stuff
<abcdefghi>is there an irc client for linux
<Nehal>abcdefghi: haha
<grumbel>abcdefghi: tons of, from telnet, to xchat, whatever you like
<abcdefghi>oh so you can just login with telnet?
<grumbel>if you have the IRC-RFC at hand, yep
<abcdefghi>what is that and where can i get it?
<Nehal>abcdefghi: xchat, bitchx, kvirc, sirc, irssi, ircII, savirc, xirssi, the list goes on...
<Nehal>xchat is the best though :)
<--abcdefghi has quit ()
<gervase>Got an error while compiling soundtest
<grumbel>so, anybody feeling the need to cleanup the pingus development section on the webpage?
<grumbel>gervase: which error?
<gervase>"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lclanVorbis"
<gervase>Is it reqd?
<grumbel>remove it from the makefile
<grumbel>its not required for pingus, but soundtest/ doesn't have a full blown configure script
-->abcdefghi ( has joined #pingus
<abcdefghi>how do i use xchat?
<abcdefghi>to connect to irc
<grumbel>start it and use it, I would say
<grumbel>xchat is a pretty straight forward clicky-app
<abcdefghi>k good
<abcdefghi>in the faq for pingus it says "A game manual along with a tutorial is planed and might be released together with the next version" is that still planed?
<grumbel>of course its planed, the question is if somebody is writing it
<abcdefghi>is anybody writing it?
<gervase>Is the game manual different from the web manual?
gervase grumbel Mar 01 22:49:09 gervase grumbel Mar 01 22:49:26 <grumbel>gervase: maybe another style sheet or so to make it look better when seperated from the webpage, but same content
<abcdefghi>well i gtg
<--abcdefghi has quit ()
<gervase>Got a problem with soundtest
<gervase>Ln 1: "[DebugStream::Buffer fallback stream] [Output] Initializing ClanLib-Sound"
<gervase>Ln 2: "[DebugStream::Buffer fallback stream] [Output] Initializing ClanLib-MikMod"
<gervase>[DebugStream::Buffer fallback stream] [Output] PathManager: music/music/ -> ../../data//music/music/pingus-1
<gervase>Ln 4: "[DebugStream::Buffer fallback stream] [Output] PingusSoundReal: Playing music: ../../data//music/music/"
<gervase>Ln 4: "Aborted"
<gervase>Sorry Ln 5: "Aborted"
<grumbel>you have newest CVS?
<--Nehal has quit ("Client exiting")
<grumbel>changed the music/ prefix a bit
<grumbel>roadmap is now a bit updated
<gervase>Got rid of "music/" prefix bits
<gervase>But now get the following errors
<gervase>"PathManager: music/ -> /music/"
<gervase>"PingusSoundReal: Playing music: /music/"
<grumbel>is your pingus current CVS?
<grumbel>I changed the location of the pathmanager stuff a few days ago
<grumbel>it was done multiple times in some places, which didn't work to well.
<gervase>I updated at about 20:30 today.
<grumbel>pathfinder is doing something wrong than
<grumbel>gervase: is your pingus compile also current?
<grumbel>since the contrib/ stuff simply grabs the object files from the src/ directory without checking for a necesarry rebuild
<grumbel>std::string comp_path = base_path + "/" + relative_path;
<grumbel>if base_path is empty you get your behaviour
<grumbel>eik, stupid me
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-->gervase ( has joined #pingus
<grumbel>fix for soundtest is in CVS
<gervase>Managed to get my own fix to soundtest to work, but too late!
<gervase>I removed one too many of the "music/" prefixes.
<gervase>Just wonder, is it worth making sound test be able to play music 1 to 9 and not just 1, 2, 3, 5 and 6?
<grumbel>doesn't really matter
<grumbel>was just to see if you could play multiple music tracks after another without memleak or lockups
<grumbel>music is working ok in this matter
<grumbel>but sound is not, its memleaking quite a lot
<grumbel>and pingus-massdestruction sounds ugly, since to many .wav's are played at the same time
<grumbel>you can reproduce that by right-clicking in the soundtest window
<gervase>Well. It's the first ever time I've ever heard any of the music!
<gervase>With regards to the sound, the worst thing that happens is the "FIXME" msg appears.
<grumbel>look at 'top' and you see its memleaking
<gervase>The sound pans well.
<grumbel>its not as worse as mem-leaking music, but still fills the memory
<grumbel>we need the resource manager to handle music and sound stuff
<gervase>When you say the top, the top of what?
<grumbel>currently we are just 'new'ing Clanlib sound streams and never deleting them
<grumbel>the programm 'top'
<grumbel>memleaks are good to see there when you run soundtest
<grumbel>even so valgrind or some real memory debuger will give you much more acurat results
<grumbel>btw. animtest is just meant to test sprites for there frame-per-second when they look best, isn't really a finished programm and didn't help all that much, but might come handy one time
<gervase>Unless I am missing something, couldn't the new statements be moved outside?
<gervase>You can then pass the newly created object by ptr.
<gervase>You then put delete in the destructor.
<grumbel>we need a smart_ptr wrapper class around the music stuff
<grumbel>sound stuff I mean
<grumbel>music is ok as it is, since we only allocate one music file at once and destroy it if another music gets started
<grumbel>sound effects could simply be allocated once at system startup
<grumbel>since we only have a handfull of them, then stuffed in a std::map<> and deleted at sound shutdown
<grumbel>so we could reuse the sound effects at least
<gervase>I assume that you would replace PingusSoundReal with the std::map<>,
<gervase>which PingusSound would search?
<gervase>The std::map<> would be a member of PingusSound.
<gervase>No need for smart_ptr then.
<grumbel>problem is that this still doesn't solve the problem with playing to many of the same sound at once
<grumbel>so a seperate class is needed
<grumbel>but std::map solution would be pretty simple to implement and probally enough for the first release
<gervase>Does the too many sounds problem only occur at Armageddon time?
<gervase>If only one sound is allowed to play at the same time, I think Armageddon would sound silly.
<gervase>I think you would only hear 2 "Oh-no"s, when in fact 50 Pingus are about to die.
<gervase>My ISP's auto disconnect will be kicking into action in literally 1 a minute.
<gervase>So, I'll bid you all farewell...
<grumbel>it doesn't have to be 50 sounds
<grumbel>but probally 5 or so
<grumbel>playing the same sound over and over again, results in some kind of 'echo'-like sound
<grumbel>which sounds completly wrong and broken
<grumbel>good night, going to sleep "Real Soon Now"[tm]