Dentist's Delight / playable/Dentist
Almost nearly not quite a level / playable/Lev4
Staircase / playable/Stair
Escape from Aliens / playable/aliens1-philAliens invade our starship blocking intrance to the teleporter. Your crew is well trained, like you they don't panic.
Escape from Aliens 2 / playable/aliens2-philAliens are now closest making your escape harder. You must dig it up.
Aliens4 / playable/aliens4-philPingus invade the nest. Take care of jaws What's the matrix above ?
Aliens5 / playable/aliens5-philTake a piece of paper. Now pingus have to enter the matrix of the death. This is a maze, bad ways are protect by jaws.
Aliens6 / playable/aliens6-philSpy's pingus have marked the location of jaws in the matrix of the death. Many died to gain that information :..( Perhaps this help. Perhaps...
Aliens7 / playable/aliens7-philThe defenses of the aliens get stronger. Now you have to jump in the fourth dimension to win !
Armour-plated chocolate bar / playable/block-timpany
An unbalanced situation / playable/blue1-marcotteWhy should those who are already at the exit help save the others? Maybe they are too few...
Tutorial 5 - Danger in Space / playable/bomber-tutorial-grumbelIf there is no action left to dig through a barrier, there is only a last hope... the bomber
Bombing run / playable/bombing
Les Pingus ne tombent jamais comme des briques / playable/brick1-marcotteLes Pingus doivent continuer leur périple à travers cette endroit plein de tuyauterie. Mais comment vont-ils réagir à ces sauts?
Build, builder, build / playable/bridger-tutorial-grumbel
Pingus do time / playable/cages
Pre-moistened Pingus / playable/candy-timpany-premoi
Near can mean far / playable/cave1-marcotteWhat do you do when you're going in the wrong direction ? Simple : walk into a wall. But it is easier said than done...
Lois and Clark / playable/chouser02
It's climbers time! / playable/climber-tutorial-lukisDiscover The Pyramide
It's getting hot... / playable/crystal2This is one of the first levels with an animated background. More animated backgrounds might follow later.
Only the fastest will survive / playable/crystal5
Crawl space / playable/desert-crawl-timpany
Entering the pyramid / playable/desert1After their long and dangerous journey through the desert they finally reach the large pyramid...
The window room / playable/desert2After the Pingus have entered the pyramid, they reach a large room with a large window. The only problem they have is that the entrance to the room is much to high to survive the landing. Can you help them?
Sandstorm / playable/desert3-tflavelDeep inside the pyrmaid the pingus are surprised to find their way blocked by a large sand drift - pondering the absence of gravity they continue relentlessly...
Pass the pedestal / playable/desert3After the Pingus successfully passed the large window room, they are entering another great hall. A large pedestal is blocking the way to the entrance.
PLE Level / playable/desert4This level has no name
Claustrophobia / playable/desert5-tflavelHidden deep below the pyramid the pingus come across a small underground room, but unfortunatley a large tree root blocks their path...
PLE Level / playable/desert5This level has no name
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/desert6-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/desert7-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/desertwaste1-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
Digging from outside / playable/dig1-marcotteAt last the you have found the exit, but getting out of the caves might require the help from somebody in the jungle.
Tutorial 1 - Dig into the ground / playable/digger-tutorial-grumbelUse the digger action to dig a hole into the ground to reach the exit.
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/doors-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/doors2-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
Egypt1 / playable/egypt1-moredhelcross the water and find your way out
Foliage 3 - Down into the darkness / playable/foliage3
Future-Life / playable/future1-jgoebbertbe prepared
Future-Life II / playable/future2-jgoebbertok .. let's go!
Future-Life III / playable/future3-jgoebberthot topics
Headbanger / playable/headbang
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth1-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth10-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth12-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
Unreachable exit in slime / playable/hellmouth13-grumbelThe pingus seems to be in hell, surounded by lava and the exit unreachable. When they all hold together they might be able to escape.
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth14-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth15-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth17-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth18-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth19-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth2-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth20-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth21-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth22-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth3-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth4-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth5-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth6-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth7-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth8-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/hellmouth9-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
If Only I Could Fly? / playable/if_only_i_can_fly_-_wayne_shelleyNot quite as easy as it looks!
Pingus Jones and (not really ;) the Last Exit / playable/indiana-yingwanDr. Jones' notebook: (1) the breath of God: only the penitent pingus will pass; (2) the word of God... in reverse; (3) the path of God: leap from the head of something like a cat.
Plumber's Joke / playable/industrial-plumber-timpany
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/industrial3-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/industrial4-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
Pingu-intensive / playable/intensiv-timpanyYou only need to save 5, but keep an eye on the clock.
Intersection / playable/intersec
Jewel Box / playable/jewel
Job switching is hard. / playable/job_switchingStop before the bridge ends.
Penguin Airlines / playable/jungle-airline-timpany
Overenthusiastic Miners / playable/jungle-crisscross-timpany
The jungle / have fun part one / playable/jungle1Once you've passed the aggressive vegetation and the insects, and mastered the altitude, you are able to rest as your penguins die of malaria
Crystals in a cave / playable/level13The exit is too low for a jump, what's the work around?
Teleporter, Spikes and other fun stuff / playable/level9
The Loneliest Pingu on Earth / playable/lonely
Long Way Down / playable/longway
Tutorial 2 - Miners having fun / playable/miner-tutorial-grumbelUse the miner action and dig into the ground to reach the exit.
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/mud3-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/mud4-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
Pacman 1 / playable/pacman1-yingwanGet to Mr. Pacman and avoid all the nasty ghosties to bring the Pingus home.
Pacman 2 / playable/pacman2-yingwanAnother tour in Pacman's maze.
Pacman 3 / playable/pacman3-yingwanOne more Pacman level. Yes. It can be solved :).
Pingus in Parallel / playable/parallel
Pingu Acceleration Labs II / playable/partic2Hint: Unlike in Lemmings, blockers can be revived by giving them another job. Good Luck!
Pingu Acceleration Labs / playable/particle
Ping Frog, Ping Pong / playable/pingfrog-mipsIt's a long way down... and no floaters to be found.
The Great Pyramid / playable/pyramid1-yingwanThe exit is buried deeply inside the pyramid. Beware of traps, illusions and maybe even ancient curses too...
The Great Pyramid 2 / playable/pyramid2-yingwanGetting in is easy. How about getting out?
Smashing Zone / playable/real5What a nice temple, let's look a little closer...
Smashing Zone - DejaVu / playable/real6Hm, this looks exactly the same as the last time, but someone seems to have blocked the way to the exit...
Lather, Rinse, Repeat. / playable/rinse
Rockhoppin' / playable/rockhoppingPingus rocks, doesn't it?
Desert ruins / playable/sand1-marcotteSome old ruins are blocking the path. The Pingus must find a way to continue their journey, or they'll all die under the sun.
The pyramid with the door on the roof / playable/sand2-marcotteThe Pingus has come to a small pyramid. As curious as they are they want to see what is inside. There shouldn't be much danger, as long as they don't do those stupid things again.
SAS survival guide, figure 1.32 / playable/sas
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/slidenride1-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
Trapped by the snow / playable/snow1-marcotteWho said that this cave was a good place to rest overnight ? Now you have to dig yourself out of it.
A long way home / playable/snow1
Being somewhere - Part 1 / playable/sortie1Only the one who can coordinate the Pingus will survive.
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/sortie4-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
Outside In / playable/space-9-tomCan you help the pingus escape without getting their flippers wet?
Endless Loop / playable/space-loop-timpany
Outside In / playable/space-tom1Can you help the pingus escape without getting their flippers wet?
Lost in Space / playable/space2
'Red' Stone 'Castle' / playable/stone-castle-timpany
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/stone12-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/stone5-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
Look out below! / playable/stone5-phlogA simple level to teach players about Pingu falling too far.
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/stone7-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
Bad Way 2,the return / playable/sweets-phil2the same but harder ?
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/teleporter1-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
EditorDefaultValue: Please give me a name... / playable/teleporter2-grumbelEditorDefaultValue: ...and a short description
The Way is One, the Paths are Many. / playable/theway-mipsQuick and simple... or maybe not. There are a few ways to solve this one. The lack of blockers might make it tougher than I expected. Email me with your comments + solutions ( This is my first Pingus level.
Pingus in Wonderland / playable/wland-timpany
Block and blow / playable/xmas-blockblow-timpany
Fearsome Complexity / playable/xmas-complex-timpany